Photo of H.E. Grahame taken by Michael Nelson 2021

Photo by Michael Nelson 2021

H.E. Grahame

H.E. Grahame (she/they) is a queer writer and poet with work published in a variety of small indie lit mags, many of which strive to support and amplify marginalized voices. She is a recent graduate from the University of Utah in Writing and Rhetoric Studies with an associate degree in Psychology from Salt Lake Community College. She works as a Lab Coordinator/writing consultant for SLCC’s Student Writing and Reading Center. In the past, she has been part of the teams for Folio, The Globe, The SLCC Community Writing Center, and the U of U’s Daily Chronicle. She grew up in Draper, Utah, and currently lives in the Sugarhouse area of Salt Lake City, Utah with her best friend. She enjoys cooking, travel, photography, music, and words.